September 2019 Meeting Minutes

September 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: September 10th, 2019
7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, J. Cragin M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully, A.J. Singh, B. Simard.

 Absent: N/A

Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by L. Gezelman to approve August minutes. H. Monnerat made a motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by J. Cragin.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: There were larger expenses and the lake treatment was costlier than in years past.  This was due to the weed removal and treatment of the lake.

Our CD has matured with an ROI of $4,348.51.  At the recommendation of the treasurer we will reinvest the original $100,000.00 into a new CD and roll the $4,348.51 into the general fund.

Tax Collector’s Report: Collections are up from the last meeting in August and are tracking with this time last year.  The total number of delinquents is at 43.

There are 5 new delinquents who have been turned over to our legal team for collection.

Lake Report: No update.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: The Regatta/Poker Run is this Saturday, September 14 with a rain date of Sunday September 15.  There has been an increase in the number of participants and the event will take place as scheduled.

New Business:

Tree Removal: The tree removal project that was approved in August had additional hanging limbs (widow makers) that were a liability and needed to be.  This added to the cost of the project.

Pine Street Ext/Mountain View Potholes: The President was contacted by a resident about massive potholes and erosion on Pine Street Ext/Mountain View.  A contractor was brought out to assess the project and quoted $7,728.00.  discussion in regards to timing was had.

Motion made by H. Monnerat to approve the project and quote.  Motion seconded by M. Duchow.  Motion passed.

Nominating Committee: 5 primary officer positions are up for voting with all current officers running again.

2 director’s positions are up for election. Submissions have been made with intent to run for open positions.  Members are still able to run for positions and be nominated at the October meeting.

Fee Increase: A conversation to discuss a tax increase was proposed by B. Simard.  Further discussion to be had with the Tax Collector and the Finance Committee.

Lake Street Property: The property on Lake Street has been washing out with heavy rain.  L. Gezelmen will reach out to the homeowners.

Public Comments:

  • Question about the calendar on the website being used to keep LGIA Members updated. This will be look into by the Secretary.
  • Discussion of putting together a committee to create a plan for weed control/water clean-up for next year. Scully will be researching the bylaws and creation of this committee and will address this at the October meeting.
  • Question was asked about adding houses to the association. Per the bylaws, houses further than 500 feet cannot be added.
  • Question was asked about stocking the lake with fish. We will not be stocking the lake at this time.
  • Rob Fuoco was informed by president L. Gezelmen that effective immediately the group of individuals that come out under his foundation are not to do any work on LGIA property until further notice. Work can continue on his personal property.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:58 pm by J. Cragin.  Seconded C. Anthony. Motion Passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm October 8th, 2019 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary